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International representation & agreements

Food and Associated Industries (FAI) Represent South Africa at certain Regional and International Forums including:
  • Codex Alimentarius Commission (CAC)-FAI participates as part of the South African delegation.
  • Codex Committee for Fish and Fishery Products (CCFFP)-FAI attends and acts as the leader of the South African delegation at these sessions and also participates in various physical and electronic working groups arranged by CCFFP
  • CCFICS (Codex Committee for Food Import and Export Inspection and Certification Systems)-FAI attends and participates as part of the South African delegation and also participates in certain Work Groups of CCFICS
  • Codex Committee for Africa (CCAFRICA): FAI attends and participates  which are annually hosted in alternating African countries
  • IAFI (International Association for Fish Inspectors- Some FAI-inspection staff are members of this organization and attend and participate in meetings hosted in alternating countries
  • National SPS-Committee to satisfy WTO (World Trade Organization) requirements:  FAI participates in this Committee and has a commitment to comply with the TBT and SPS agreements of the WTO

Food and Associated Industries endeavor to establish close co-operation with Competent Authorities responsible for food control in various countries and have agreements with Fish Inspection Authorities in the following countries:
  • Thailand (Technical Co-operation Agreement with Department of Fisheries)
  • Namibia (Technical Co-operation Agreement with the Namibian Standards Institute)
  • Mozambique (Technical Co-operation Agreement with Fisheries Department)
  • Mauritius(Technical Co-operation Agreement with Fisheries Department)
  • Tristan Da Cunha (Technical Co-operation Agreement with Fisheries Department)

Close co-operation is maintained with the following countries and trade groups to assist FAI in its role as the Competent Authority for the inspection and issuing of health guarantees for fishery products:
  • EU-countries
  • Brazil
  • Canada
  • Australia
  • Russia
  • China
  • India
  • Vietnam