About Us - Strategic Objectives
To develop, maintain and administer compulsory specifications and technical regulations
The NRCS will increase the scope of regulatory coverage by identifying and developing new compulsory specifications that provide the optimal balance between the needs of the consumers and the South African industry in compliance with the NRCS’ mandate. Resources will be dedicated to maintaining a range of compulsory specifications and technical regulations in accordance with IPAP milestones, government priorities, industry requirements, and market analysis by the NRCS. Through this process, the NRCS will conduct impact and risk assessments to determine the feasibility of developing new compulsory specifications, technical regulations, the revision and amendment of existing ones, and withdrawal of the compulsory specifications or technical regulations in consultation with relevant stakeholders.
To maximize compliance with all specifications and technical regulations
The NRCS will increase compliance with compulsory specifications and technical regulations through pre-market approvals, market surveillance, and sanctions where non-compliances have been identified, utilizing the risk-based approach, border enforcement strategy, inspection at the source, and benchmarking of business models. A number of regulatory interventions will be implemented to reduce the availability of non-compliant products in the market. These interventions will include the traditional NRCS on-site inspections, enforcement investigations, awareness briefings or communication, and desktop inspections. The inspection of quality will have the desired impact on the source of the product. A quality assurance process will randomly check that these interventions comply with inspection quality standards.
To inform and educate our stakeholders about the NRCS
NRCS strongly believes that awareness of the role of the regulator and compliance requirements contributes significantly to voluntary compliance. This goal will be achieved through effective communication initiatives, the shaping of perceptions through the media and, targeted training and awareness campaigns. A positive, credible, professional image of the NRCS will shape attitudes towards compliance. A respected regulator who is perceived to be fair and effective and to hold sufficient power to enforce compliance is likely to be a deterrent to potential transgressors.
To ensure an optimally capacitated institution
This goal will be achieved when the NRCS effectively and efficiently utilizes all available resources in the most optimal manner. The NRCS will have:
- A Human Resource capacity that is highly engaged, skilled, and competent
- An IT platform that supports the business
- Sound financial management and supply chain management systems
- Sound and effective support structures
- Sound and effective governance structures