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Welcome to​ NRCS

National Regula​tor for Compulsory Specifications


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The legislative mandate of the NRCS is derived from the following: ​The National Regulator for Compulsory...

About Us

The NRCS is an entity of the department of Trade, Industry and Competition established to administer...

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Compulsory Specifica​tions

Compulsory Specifications are technical regulations...

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Business Unit Information

protecting the consumers

NRCS enforces minimum safety and environmental requirements for...

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protec​ting the environment

NRCS protects the environment by enforcing minimum standards.​..

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imports & exports

Equal treatment of local and imported products, and competition on...

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supporting the industry

NRCS consults widely and attempts to involve all stakeholders and especially industry...

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services to the government

The purpose of NRCS is to support the Government in protecting the health and...

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consumer & industry watchdog

NRCS inspectors maintain constant surveillance of over-regulated products and services...

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Bac​kground to NR​CS​

The National Regulator for Compulsory Specifications (NRCS) was established on 1 September 2008, in accor​​​dance with the provisions of the National Regulator for Compulsory Specifications Act, 2008 (Act No.5 of 2008) (NRCS Act). It emerged as an independent organisation and falls within the area of responsibility of the Department of Trade, Industry and Competition (the dtic).

The NRCS’s mandate includes promoting public health and safety, environmental protection and ensuring fair trade. This mandate is achieved through the development and administration of technical regulations and compulsory specifications as well as through market surveillance to ensure compliance with the requirements of the compulsory specifications and technical regulations. NRCS stakeholders include the South African Government, indust​ry and the citizens.


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